First Pharm D Degree Exam inations - Septembe r 2012
Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 70• Answer all questions
• Write equations, draw diagrams wherever necessary
1. Compare and contrast SN1 versus SN2 with respect to mechanism , kinetics, stereo
chemistry and reaction condit ions.
2. Explain the effect of substituents on reactivity in electrophilic aromatic substitution.
Short Notes: (10x3=30)
3. Explain the addition reaction of conjugated dienes.
4. Explain fries rearrangement.
5. Ex plain the coupling reactions of diazonium salt.
6. Explain the mechanism of sulfonation in the electrophilic aromatic substitution.
7. Describe the preparation, assay and uses of vanillin .
8. Discuss about bond dissociation energy.
9. Friedel Craft's alkylation and its limitations.
10. Discuss Lowry Bronsted theory of acids and bases.
11. Explain molecular orbital theory of benzene.
12. Mechanism of claisen condensation.
Answer Briefly: (10X2=20)
13. Mention the structure and name them according to IUPAC
• Formic acid • Acetaldehyde
14. Explain the mechanism of halogenation of alakanes .
15. Comment on structural effects on the acidity of carboxylic acids.
16. Preparation and medicinal use of salicylic acid.
17. Formulate t he reactions of benzaldehyde with • Potassium cyanide
•Lithium alum inium hydride
18.What are prot ic and aprotic solvents . Give examples.
19. Exp lain esterif ication reaction .
20. Preparation and uses of lactic acid .
21. Mention the reaction of co nversi on of acid to amide and anhydride .
22. Site an example of an aromatic ketone and mention its IUPAC name.
First Pharm D Degree Examinations - September 2012
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 70• Answer all questions
• Write equations, draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essay: (2x10=20)
1. Explain in detail the biosynthesis of cholesterol.
2. Describe the different factors affecting enzyme activity. Add a note on
mechanism of enzyme action.
Short Notes: (10x3=30)
3. Enlist the different major complex bio-molecules of the cell. Mention the major
functions of any one.
4. Define and classify carbohydrates with suitable examples.
5. Mention the importance of amphipathic lipids.
6. Mention the functions of nucleotides.
7. ATP as energy currency- Elaborate.
8. What are electrolytes and mention their biological importance.
9. Mention the different functions of kidney.
10. Galactose tolerance test.
11. Metabolic disorders of amino acids.
12.Applications of RIA.
Answer briefly: (10x2=20)
13. Site an example of heptose and its biochemical importance.
14. Sugars of nucleotides.
15. Holoenzyme.
16. Hyperbilirubinemia.
17. Mention the structure of any two ketone bodies.
18. Mention any two characteristic features of dehydration.
19. What is the diagnostic importance of creatinine clearance .
20. Mention the different types of RNA. What is transcription?.
21. .What is Van Den Bergh reaction.
22. Expand the terms NADP, cGMP , ATP , FAD.
First Pharm D Degree Examination s - September 2012
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 70• Answer all Questions.
• Draw Diagrams wher ever necessary.
Essay (2x10=20)
1. Describe the gross anatomy of an eyeball with a neat labeled diagram. Explain
the physiology of vision.
2. Explain the conduction system of the heart with a neat labeled diagram. Describe
the various events that take place during arterial systole
Short notes (10x3=30)
3. Elaborate the chemical and neural mechanisms that regulate respiration
4. List the function s of hypothalamus.
5. Discuss the physiological effects of autonomic nervous system
6. Explain the mechanism of blood coagulation
7. Describe the phenomenon of excitation- contraction coupling
8. Enumerate the steps involved in the process of spermatogenesis
9. Explain the physiological role of Rennin-Angiotensin sy:stero
10. Describe mastication and deglutition
11. Birth contro l methods
12. Discuss the formation and circulation pathways of cerebra.spinal fluid
Answer briefly (10x2=20)
13. Why does heat stroke develop during endurance athletie
14. List the bones of the cranium
15. Mention any four function s of kidneys
16. Enumerate any two skin diseases and state its causes
17. Mention the physiological actions of insulin
18. Mention the elementary tissues of the body with an example for:each
19. Reflex arc.
20. List any four
21. ; Heart valves and their function .·
22. Eryt hroblastosis foetalis
***************************** **
First Pharm D Degree Examinations - September 2012
Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 70• Answer all questions
• Write equations and draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essay: (2x10=20)
1. Mention the composition of Ringer's solution and its specific uses. Explain the
method of preparation of sodium acetate and mention the physiological role of
phosphate & calcium ions.
2. Why iron is an impurity in pharmaceuticals. Discuss the principle and procedure
involved in the limit test for iron
Short notes: (3X10=30)
3. What are abrasives. How do you prepare and assay zinc chloride.
4. What are redox titrations. Explain with example
5. solubility products
6. Mention the method of preparation and assay of magnesium sulphate
7. Dimethicone
8. Explain the preparation, storage and labeling requirement for hydrogen peroxide
9. What are antidotes. How sodium nitrite acts as antidote
10. Briefly explain the assay of oxygen IP
11. Explain the precipitation titrations with an example
12. How do you prepare the following solutions
• 0.1M potassium permanganate (MW= 158) • 0.1 N oxalic acid (MW= 90)
Answer briefly: (2X10=20)
13. What are the precautions to be taken while storing radiopharmaceuticals.
14. How do you prepare 50.0 ml of 0.25M NaOH (Molecular weight=40)
15. How oxygen is stored and labeled.
16. Classify antacids giving example
17. Name one systemic antacid and give its drawback
18. Mention any two preparation of sodium chloride mentioned in IP
19. What is the role of granular zinc in arsenic limit test.
20. How do you prepare ferrous sulphate.
21. What is the physiological role of iron and iodine.
22. . Mention an example for •Anti dandruff drug •Haematinic
First Pharm D Degree Examinations - September 2012
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 70• Answer all questions
• Write equations, draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essay: (2x10=20)
1. Classify emulsifying agents, with suitable examples . Add a note on instability of
emulsions .
2. Define prescription . Explain the different parts of prescription . Narrate a model
prescription .
Short notes: (10x3=30)
3. What are dentifrices and briefly explain them .
4. Write briefly on Indian Pharmacopoeia.
5. Explain about wet gum method.
6. If 500ml of 15% (v/v) solvent of methyl salicylate in alcohol are diluted to 1500 ml
what will be the percentage strength.
7. Mention any three formula for calculating child dose of a drug.
8. Explain about insufflations
9. Explain maceration process of extraction with suitable example.
10. What is throat paint. Mention the name of ingredients and use of one throat paint.
11. Explain sterilization of surgical catgut.
12. Preparation and uses of absorbable gelatin sponge
Answer briefly: (10x2=20)
13. Explain how age factor affects dose of drugs.
14.Explain physical incompatibility with suitable examples .
15. Explain geometric dilution for dispensing of powders with a suitable example.
16. Differentiate flocculated and deflocculated suspension.
17. Explain dusting powders
18. Convert 90% v/v alcohol into proof strength
19. Define displacement value. What is its significance in the preparation of
20. Method of preparation of suppositories
21 .Explain about deliquescent powder
22. Distinguish between liniments and lotions
Second Year Pharm D Degree Examinations - October 2012
Community Pharmacy
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 70• Answer all Questions.
• Draw Diagrams wherever necessary.
Essay (2x10=20)
1. Define rational drug use. Explain the essential drug concept and guidelines for
rational drug use.
2. Define and classify communicable diseases. Discuss in brief about the clinical
presentation and prevention of leprosy.
Short notes (10x3=30)
3. Scope of community pharmacy and the roles of community pharmacist.
4. Pathophysiology of gastrointestinal disturbances and its management.
5. Selection of site, layout and design of a community pharmacy.
6. Steps involved in patient counseling.
7. Methods for screening blood pressure.
8. Care for geriatrics .
9. Clinical presentations of AIDS.
10. OTC medication.
11. Patient information leaflet.
12. Economic order quantity
Answer briefly (10x2=20)
13. Clinical presentations of malaria
14. Pyrexia.
15. Rickets.
16. Causative agent and prevention of syphilis.
17. Drug therapy of worm infestations.
18. Importance of normal lung function.
19. Legality of prescription.
20. Safety stock in inventory control.
21. Signs and symptoms of typhoid.
22. Health education to be provided by community pharmacists.
Second Year Pharm D Degree Examinations - October 2012
Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 70
• Answer all Questions .
• Draw Diagrams wherever necessary.
Essay (2x10=20)
1. Define ster ilization. Elaborate on the physical methods of sterilization like heat and
2. Draw a neat labeled diagram of a bacterial cell. Describe the cell wall and flagella of
the bacteria
Short notes (10x3=30)
3. Define immunity and mention the differences between active & passive immunity
4. Define and classify culture media
5. Describe bacterial growth curve with a neat labeled diagram,
6. Gram stain and Ziehl-Neelson stain
7. Explain the structure of an antibody. Add a note on lgG antibody
8. Maintenance of lab cultures
9. Describe the principle of western blot technique
10. Explain the principle of microbial assay of vitamins
11. Standardization of a vaccine
12. Pathogenesis and lab diagnosis of HIV
Answer briefly (10x2=20)
13. Contributions of Antony van Leeuwenhoek and Edward Jenner
14. Define and classify stains
15. Differentiate between autotrophs and heterotrophs
16. Difference between bacteria and virus
17. Evaluation of a bactericidal agent
18. What is the influence of tempe rature on bacterial growth
19. Name several applied areas of microbiology. Describe importance of
microorganisms in the applied f ields
20. efine the terms: Phagocytosis , bacterial strain,- pure culture and exotoxins
21. Schick test
22. Classif ication of f ungi
Second Pharm D Degree Examinations - October 2012
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 70• Answer all Questions.
• Draw Diagrams wherever necessary.
Essay (2x10=20)
1. Explain in detail mechanism of auto immunity and add a note on HIV infection.
2. Discuss in detail pathogenesis and morphology of cell injury.
Short notes (10x3=30)
3. General biology of tumour.
4. Role of autocoids in inflammation.
5. Pathological changes in asthma.
6. Glycogen storage diseases.
7. Mechanism of allograft rejection.
8. Different stages of shock.
9. Explain the metastasis of cancer.
10. Biological significance of hyper sensitivity.
11. Pathophysiology of angina.
12. Pathogenesis of starvation.
Answer briefly (2X10=20)
13. Name the factors influencing wound healing.
14. Depression and mania.
15. Different typ s of dysentery.
16. Hypertension
17. Glycogen infiltration.
18. Cardinal signs of inflammation.
19. Symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency.
20. Amoebic colitis.
21. Name four causes of hemorrhage.
22. Mention the mode of transmission of leprosy.
Second Year Pharm D Degree Examinations - October 2012
Pharmacology- I
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 70
• Answer all Questions.
• Draw Diagrams wherever necessary.
Essay (2x10=20)
1. Define and classify NSAIDs. Discuss the pharmacology , mechanism of action,
adverse drug reactions, therapeutic uses of aspirin.
2. Define and classify anti adrenergic drugs. Discuss in detail pharmacology ,
mechanism of action , adverse effects , and therapeutic uses of beta blockers.
Short notes (10x3=30)
3. Define and classify anti anxiety drugs.
4. Define and mention the mechanism of action of anti cholinergic drugs
5. Mechanism of action of local anesthetics.
6. Discuss the pharmacology of bronchodilators.
7. Biotransformation .
8. Drugs used for glaucoma
9. Classify antianginal drugs with examples.
10. Neuromuscular blockers
11. Factors affecting drug absorption
12. Explain the mechanism of actions of oral hypoglycemic agents.
Answer briefly (2X10=20)
13. Define orphan drugs with examples.
14. Define synergism and antagonism.
15. Define iatrogenic diseases with an example.
16.Classify cholinoreceptors.
17. Define mydriatics and miotics.
18. Mechanism of action of antihistamine .
19. List two examples of cent ral cough suppressants.
20. Define sedative and hypnotic.
21. . Define tachyphylaxis with examp le.
22. What is plasma half life . List the formula to calculate half life .
Second Year Pharm D Degree Examinations - October 2012
Pharmacognosy & Phytopharmaceuticals
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 70• Answer all Questions.
• Draw Diagrams wherever necessary.
Essay (2x10=20)
1. Discuss in detail about various types of classifications of crude drugs giving
2. Define lipids. Mention the sources of any two drugs containing lipids and their
method of extraction & analysis.
Short notes (10x3=30)
3. Explain the different methods of cultivation of crude drugs.
4. Describe any three important cell constituents and their significance.
5. Mention the important histological characters of a crude drug derived from flower
6. Principle and significance of Iodine value in a lipid.
7. Describe briefly about any three methods of adulteration of crude drugs with
8. Methods of analysis of a protein containing crude drug.
9. Mention any three natural pesticides you have studied and give their significance.
10. Mention three fibers derived from plant and give their biological sources and uses.
11. Explain the method of extraction of fixed oils from seeds.
12. What are the important diagnostic characters that can be observed externally in
Leaf drugs?.
Answer briefly (2X10=20)
13. Define pharmacognosy
14. Precautions to be taken while storing crude drug.
15. What are the cell wall constituents and cell inclusions.
16. What are polysaccharides? Give the namesof two carbohydrate
containing drugs
17. Define swelling factor. Mention two drugs containing mucilage.
18. Mention the various reagents used in the tudy of microscopy of a crude drug.
19. Differentiate between raw cotton and absorbent cotton.
20. Powder characters of nux vomica
21. Acid value.
22. Mention the source, confirmatory chemical test and uses of a carbohydrate
containing crude drug.
Second Year Pharm D Degree Examinations - October 2012
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 70
• Answ er all Questions.
• Draw Diagrams wherever necessary .
Essay (2x10=20)
1. Explain in detail about the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and treatment of
diabetes mellitus.
2. Define congestive heart failure . Discuss its types and the role of digitalis in the
Short notes (3x10=30)
3. Discuss the methods of administration of estrogen and progesterone.
4. Define angina pectoris and illustrate the types of angina.
5. Peak respiratory flow rate.
6. Discuss the parameters measured in spirometry.
7. Diagnostic procedures and clinical manifestations of arrythmia .
8. Importance of rational drug therapy.
9. Define hyperlipidemia and explain its management.
10. Discuss the etiology and pathophysiology of chronic bronchitis.
11. Hormone replacement therapy .
12. Discuss the non-pharmacological therapy for hypertension.
write brifely (2x10=20)
13. Clinical manifestations for angina.
14. Define Torsade De Pointes with examples.
15. Mention some of the nitrate preparations with their doses and route of
administration .
16. Name the diuretics commonly used in the management of CHF.
17. Classify the types of myocardial infarction.
18. Mention the pharmacokinetic factors influencing drug selection in
geriatric patients
19. List the therapy for conjunctivitis.
20. Def ine thyrotox ic crisis and its clinical presentation.
21. Mention the adverse effects of insulin therapy.
22. Role of beta-2 agonists in the management of asthma.
First Year Pharm. D Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper)
Human Anatomy & Physiology
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 70
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays: (3x10=30)
1. Explain the anatomy of spinal cord with a neat diagram along with its cross sectionshowing nerve tracts and its functions. Describe functional areas of cerebrum (5+5=10)
2. Explain the anatomy of the stomach and small intestine. Add a note on digestive
enzymes secreted by the organs of GIT. Explain the different phases involved in acid
secretion (7+3=10)
3. Draw a neat labelled diagram of nephron and explain its parts. Explain in detail about
the mechanism of urine formation (4+6=10)
Short notes (8x5=40)
4. Autonomic nervous system5. Heart sounds.
6. Mechanism of respiration
7. Functions of adrenal hormones
8. Steps involved in erythropoiesis and its regulation.
9. Explain in detail about the menstrual cycle along with oogenesis
10. Define joint. Add a note on synovial joints with diagram.
11. Drugs and athletics.
First Year Pharm. D Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper)
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 70
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays: (3x10=30)
1. Define prescription. Describe the various parts of prescription.2. Briefly explain the types of incompatibilities.
3. Classify dosage forms. Explain in detail about monophasic liquid dosage forms.
Short notes (8x5=40)
4. What are the different methods of preparation of emulsions?5. Describe the method of preparation and sterilization of surgical catgut.
6. Define lotions? Mention the formula, use and preparation of calamine lotion.
7. What is the significance of displacement value in the preparation of suppositories?
8. Prepare 500 ml of 50% alcohol from 90%, 60% and 30% alcohol. An adult dose of
Paracetamol is 650 mg. How much of the drug should be given to a boy weighing 12
9. What is percolation? Explain the steps involved in percolation process.
10. Explain the historical development of Indian pharmacopoeia.
11. Factors affecting dose of a drug.
First Year Pharm. D Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper)
Medicinal Biochemistry
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 70
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays: (3x10=30)
1. Define and classify enzymes with suitable examples. Outline the various factorsaffecting enzyme activity.
2. Explain the biosynthesis of fatty acid. Add a note on beta oxidation.
3. List out various biochemical roles carried out by liver. Outline a method to assess
hepatic dysfunction.
Short notes (8x5=40)
4. Application of RIA.5. Hormonal regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
6. Describe the metabolism of purine.
7. Urea cycle.
8. What are electrolytes and mention their biological importance.
9. What is the diagnostic importance of creatinine clearance test?
10. Mutation and repair mechanism.
11. HMP shunt pathway.
First Year Pharm. D Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper)
Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 70
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays: (3x10=30)
1. Compare and contrast SN1 versus SN2 with respect to mechanism kinetics,stereochemistry and reaction conditions.
2. Write the mechanism involved in aldol condensation and Reformatsky reaction.
3. Explain the mechanism, orientation, effect of substituents on reactivity in electrophilic
aromatic substitution.
Short notes (8x5=40)
4. Define Markownikov’s rule. Briefly discuss peroxide effect with an example.5. Propose a mechanism for the reaction of acid chlorides with benzene in the presence of
aluminium chloride catalyst.
6. E1 and E2 reaction.
7. What is diazonium salt? Mention its preparation, coupling reactions and uses.
8. What are carbocations? Discuss its stability and show how it is useful in explaining the
mechanism of electrophilic addition.
9. Explain briefly about hyper-conjugation. Discuss the resonance stabilization of benzyl
10. Hoffmann’s degradation and discuss basicity of amines.
11. Explain the preparation, assay and use of vanillin and saccharin sodium.
First Year Pharm. D Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper)
Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 70
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays: (3x10=30)
1. Explain theories of indicators and choice of indicators for acid-base titration. What ismixed indicators and mention its uses.
2. Discuss the principle and procedure involved in the limit test for arsenic. Add a note on
Gutzeit apparatus.
3. What are antacids? Classify them with example. Mention the importance of combination
antacids. Explain the preparation and assay method for sodium bicarbonate.
Short notes (8x5=40)
4. What are the sources of errors in quantitative analysis of pharmaceuticals? How canthey be minimized?
5. Describe the preparation, properties and assay of hydrogen peroxide IP.
6. Role of fluorides as anti-caries agents. Explain the preparation of sodium fluoride
7. Physiological role of potassium and calcium ion.
8. Explain the preparation and assay method for medicinal grade oxygen.
9. Explain precipitation titration and add a note on modified Volhard’s method.
10. Assay of ferrous sulphate by cerimetry and permanganametry.
11. ORS and its components.
Second Year Pharm. D Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper - New Pattern)
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 70
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays: (3x10=30)
1. Explain about the pathogenesis and morphology of cell injury.
2. Discuss the different mediators of inflammation. Briefly outline the process of repair.
3. Explain about the etiology and pathogenesis of cancer
Short notes (8x5=40)
4. Pathophysiology of Parkinson’s disease.
5. Stages of shock.
6. Explain mechanism of autoimmunity.
7. Etiology and pathogenesis of acute renal failure.
8. Hypersensitivity reactions.
9. Urinary tract infection
10. Glycogen storage diseases.
11. Explain the metastasis of cancer.
Second Year Pharm. D Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper - New Pattern)
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 70
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays: (3x10=30)
1. Explain the structure of bacteria with a neat labeled diagram.
2. Define sterilization. Briefly explain about heat method of sterilization.
3. Discuss the different antigen – antibody reactions with applications.
Short notes (8x5=40)
4. Various staining techniques.
5. Standardization of vaccines.
6. Structure and classification of immunoglobulin.
7. Western blot test.
8. Various methods for evaluating disinfectants.
9. Sterility testing of pharmaceutical preparations.
10. Official methods used for the microbiological assay of antibiotics.
11. Tuberculosis.
Second Year Pharm. D Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper - New Pattern)
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 70
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays: (3x10=30)
1. Discuss in detail about various classifications of crude drugs with suitable examples.
2. Define and classify proteins. Explain in detail about methods of analysis of proteins.
3. Define and classify volatile oils. Discuss in detail about any four methods of extraction of
volatile oil from plants.
Short notes (8x5=40)
4. History of pharmacognosy.
5. Explain about various cell inclusions.
6. Explain the method of preparation, identification tests for absorbent cotton.
7. Different methods of adulteration of crude drugs.
8. List out various methods of drying of crude drugs.
9. Preparation of medicinal castor oil.
10. Compare acacia and tragacanth.
11. Natural pest control agents.
Second Year Pharm. D Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper - New Pattern)
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 70
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays: (3x10=30)
1. Define drug absorption. Explain in detail about the factors affecting the drug absorption.
2. Classify the drugs used in the treatment of congestive heart failure. Explain in detail about the
mechanism of action, pharmacological effects and therapeutic uses of digoxin.
3. Define schizophrenia. Classify antipsychotics and explain the general mechanism of action of
antipsychotics with its adverse effects and therapeutic uses.
Short notes (8x5=40)
4. Various routes of drug administration
5. Clopidogrel
6. Classify NSAID’S and explain about the mechanism of action of celecoxib.
7. Explain about thyroxine biosynthesis and replacement therapy.
8. Beta blockers
9. Histamine [H1] - receptor antagonists
10. Organophosphorous compound poisoning
11. Pharmacology of loop diuretics.
Second Year Pharm. D Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper - New Pattern)
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 70
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays: (3x10=30)
1. Define medication adherence. Discuss in detail the factors affecting and role of pharmacists in
improving medication adherence
2. Define community pharmacy. What are the roles and responsibilities of community
3. Define patient counseling. Explain in detail about the various stages involved in patient
Short notes (8x5=40)
4. Clinical presentation and prevention of hepatitis
5. Guidelines for rational prescribing
6. Role of pharmacists in family planning
7. Pathophysiology and drug therapy of GI disturbances
8. Explain the selection of site, space layout and design of community pharmacy.
9. Functions of pharmaceutical care
10. Health screening techniques of cholesterol testing.
11. Explain about various methods of inventory control.
Second Year Pharm. D Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper - New Pattern)
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 70
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays: (3x10=30)
1. Describe the pathophysiology and therapeutic management of congestive heart failure.
2. Explain the pathophysiology and therapeutics management of diabetes mellitus.
3. Define asthma. Explain the etiology, clinical manifestation and therapeutic management of
Short notes (8x5=40)
4. Pharmacological and non pharmacological approach in the management of hypertension.
5. Bacteria conjunctivitis.
6. Explain the various etiological factor and management of osteoporosis.
7. Drugs induced pulmonary diseases.
8. Complications of diabetes mellitus.
9. Role of pharmacist in rational use of drug concept.
10. General prescribing guidelines for pediatrics.
11. Hormonal replacement therapy.
Third Year Pharm. D Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper)
Pharmacology II
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 70
Answer all questions
Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays: (3x10=30)
1. Classify cephalosporins with examples and mention the mechanism of action, antimicrobial activities and dose of cephradine. Explain the mode of action, adverse effects and therapeutic uses of Penicillin G (5+5=10)
2. Discuss in detail about the transcription and translation process in prokaryotics.
3. Classify Diuretics with examples. Mention the mechanism of action, therapeutic uses and dose of Amiloride. Explain the mechanism of action , toxicity, drug interactions and uses of cyclosporine. (5+5=10)
Short notes (8x5=40)
4. Acute and chronic toxicity studies.
5. Heparin and aspirin
6. Mutation and Cell cycle
7. Describe the applications of gene therapy.
8. Adverse effects and therapeutic uses of chloramphenicol and rifampicin
9. Mode of action and therapeutic uses of cotrimoxazole and gentamicin
10. Pharmacology of miconazole and acyclovir
11. Metronidazole and albendazole
Third Year Pharm. D Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper)
Pharmaceutical Analysis
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 70
Answer all questions
Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays: (3x10=30)
1. Describe the construction of a double beam UV-Visible spectrophotometer with working principle of each part.
2. Classify chromatography based on its separation technique and explain the construction and application of a HPLC system
3. What is amperometry. Explain the construction of an amperometer and various amperometric titrations Short notes (8x5=40)
4. What are the different modes of vibration coming across IR absorption of organic molecules. Explain.
5. Draw Jablonski diagram with its various electronic transitions and mention the factors affecting flourescence.
6. Explain flame photometric techniques with its application.
7. PH measurement and electrodes involved in it.
8. Construction of a dropping mercury electrode(DME) and various current coming across the polarogram.
9. Total quality management (TQM) and various quality reviewing techniques.
10. Principle involved in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
11. Working principle of a polarimeter. Add a note on optical rotatory dispersion (ORD) and circular dichroism ( CD)
. ***********************
Third Year Pharm. D Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper)
Pharmacotherapeutics II
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 70
Answer all questions
Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays: (3x10=30)
1. Explain in detail about pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments of tuberculosis.
2. Explain basic principles of chemotherapy and management of chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting.
3. Differentiate between rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis and explain the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis and pharmacotherapy of rheumatoid arthritis.
Short notes (8x5=40)
4. Life cycle of malaria parasite
5. Pathophysiology and management of psoriasis
6. Systemic lupus erythematosus
7. Management of chronic renal failure
8. Clinical features of gonorrhea in male and female patients
9. Opportunisitic infections
10. Pathophysiology and pharmacotherapy of pneumonia
11. Guideline for the rational use of antibiotics
Third Year Pharm. D Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper)
Pharmaceutical Jurispudence
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 70
Answer all questions
Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays: (3x10=30)
1. Discuss the composition and functions of state pharmacy council
2. What are the classes of drugs to be imported in India. List various conditions to be followed in getting a license to drugs which can be imported only under license.
3. Explain the penalties and offences under narcotic and psychotropic substances act and rules.
Short notes (8x5=40)
4. Prevention of cruelty to animals act 1960
5. Drug technical advisory board
6. Bonded laboratory
7. Define advertisement, manufactured drug and cannabis
8. Specimen label for schedule H drug
9. Historical development of pharmacy education in India
10. Code of pharmaceutical ethics
11. Discuss on prohibited advertisement under drugs and magic remedies act.
Third Year Pharm. D Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper)
Medicinal Chemistry
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 70
Answer all questions
Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays: (3x10=30)
1. Briefly discuss the anti hypertensive drugs. Support your answer with suitable structures. Explain the SAR of 1, 4 -dihydropyridine as calcium channel blockers and add a note on synthesis of Any Two of ACE Inhibitors
2. Outline the life cycle of cancer and classify anticancer dugs. Support your answer with suitable structures. Outline the synthesis of any three anticancer agents
3. Discuss the anti viral drugs. Describe the synthesis of acyclovir and zidovudine . Add a note on anti fungal agent.
Short notes (8x5=40)
4. What are the various parameters used in QSAR studies and add a note on molecular modelling
5. List the various thyroid hormonal malfunctions. Classify anti-thyroid drugs with suitable examples and the synthesis of any two
6. Classify antimalarial drugs with example and add a note on the life cycle of malarial parasite. Sketch the synthesis of chloroquinone and primaquine
7. Classify sulpha drugs. Discuss the SAR of sulphanilamides and synthesis of sulphadiazine and sulphasalazine .
8. Anthelmintics and add a note on synthesis of mebendazole and diethylcarbamazine citrate.
9. Describe about prodrug baseddrug design
10. Classify diuretic agents and add a note on SAR of thaizide diuretics. Sketch the synthesis of frusemide.
11. Explain: Degradation of penicillins and cephalosporines Urinary antiseptics
Third Year Pharm. D Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper)
Pharmaceutical Formulations
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 70
Answer all questions
Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays: (3x10=30)
1. Discuss briefly about various excipients used in tablet formulation and their functions
2. List the tests for glass containers used for parenterals
3. Mention the formula of HGC shell. Add a note on filling of the HGC shell
Short notes (8x5=40)
4. Trans dermal drug delivery system
5. Formulation of jellies
6. Method of preparation of suppositories
7. Evaluation of suspensions
8. Types of ointment bases
9. Quality control tests for soft gelatin capsules
10. Concepts of parentral controlled drug delivery system
11. Problems encountered during tablet manufacturing
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